Spud inc Belt Squat Belt Large Black Weightlifting Strength Training


  • $125.00

Spud inc belt squat belt for weightlifting strength training FREE USA shipping

Train your legs without fatiguing your back.

When looking for a belt the two things that are most important are performance and comfort. The Spud Belt Squat Belt is tops in both categories.

This belt measures 54 inches long (57 inches including the rings) and is 6 inches thick. This belt is designed to take decades of use and abuse.

You need to buy chain and two spring clips (NOT INCLUDED) to use this belt

It's no secret that the belt squat is one of the best exercises for all athletes. Not only does it allow you to overload your legs, but it also keeps the stress down on your lower back and shoulders. The belt squat should be a mainstay in any athletes program, especially those who are in-season or suffer from low back or shoulder problems. There is no substitute.

I don't know how your barbell squat form is, but mine sucks! I'm not sure if I lack flexibility in my lower legs and ankles to be able to do ATG (ass to grass) squats, or if it's the position of the barbell that gives me problems, but the lower you go in the squatting motion, the easier it is on your knees.

I was ready to give up on barbell squats when I ran across the belt squat on the internet. Belt squats will place the work load on your legs, not on your back like a regular barbell squat would. I have read were belt squatting will actually help your barbell squatting form because doing the belt squat you can go ATG, thereby training your legs to become flexible and to explode out of the hole as they say.

Another benefit of belt squatting is that it takes the load off of your spine. No more heavy barbells pushing down on your discs making your spine shorter. Also, if you have shoulder problems, you don't have to struggle holding a heavy barbell behind your neck, a true blessing if you have rotator cuff problems. I strained my rotator cuff and it took ten months to heal...that really sucked!

I tried using my dip belt to do belt squats but I needed to much extra padding to keep the steel rings and the chain itself from cutting into my inner thighs, so I bit the bullet as they say and invested in a belt squat belt from Spud, Inc., which was $82 shipped and worth every penny. It's padded so nice you can't even tell you are wearing anything!

How to do the Belt Squat without a machine

If you have two benches of equal height you can use those. Just fasten a couple of 45 pound plates to the belt, step up on the benches and start squatting.

My Ironmaster super bench is a bit on the tall side and that's my only bench, so I ended up building two box stands of equal height.

The box stands are 18" square and high. Each box is made up of 4, 2 x 4 x 12" boards; and 8, 2 x 4 x 18" boards. The top is a 3/4" piece of plywood (18" x 18") with a really cheap piece of foam gym flooring cut to size.

As an added safety factor, I added two one inch oak dowels on each box stand, and then drilled out one inch clearance holes in a separate 2 x 4. The 2 x 4 connects both boxes together forming one solid bench with a twelve inch gap between them.


The following is my feedback for the purchase and process of the Spud Squat Belt.

The purchasing of the belt was extremely easy. Delivery was super fast and I received emails regarding free download offers and offers to help with any questions I had. This was a super experience and I am very pleased with the whole process.

My husband LOVES the belt. The quality is exceptional and exactly what he was hoping for. He used it the minute he got it and has been using it ever since!!!

I want to thank you so very much for all of your courtesy and consideration. We would definitely buy from you again. Everything about it was exceptional and we truly appreciate it. Sherry B.

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